As I pulled into my office Monday morning, I was greeted by a debris field. Styrofoam sheeting and pieces of metal littered my parking lot. Instantly, I knew the source of the scene. Winds from the weekend storm had destroyed our gymnasium roof.
Amidst valiant efforts by a roofing company, hundreds of gallons of water poured inside over the next 18 hours. Needless to say, I didn’t get much office work done yesterday. I was busy with insurance companies creating a management plan.
Even as I write, professionals are upstairs figuring out how to salvage the floor. And while that is a concern, it pales in comparison to the primary problem—the damage hanging above us—literally. So while experts strategize, I’m pondering some lessons.
Here are a couple of takeaways for you to consider for your life and leadership:
The problem you can see isn’t the cause of your crisis.
The storm you face today and the symptoms you’re suffering from at this moment probably didn’t blow in overnight. While storms can suddenly appear in our lives, most have been brewing on the not-too-distant horizon for a while.
Marriages don’t quickly disintegrate. Addictions don’t magically manifest. Extra pounds don’t instantly appear. Health doesn’t mysteriously deteriorate. There are exceptions but most of life’s storms seldom surface without signs.
When your spouse or partner shuts you out, pay attention. When you need a drink more than want one, pay attention. When your clothes keep getting tighter, pay attention. When you’re constantly sick and run down, pay attention.
The easiest problem to see is the one you’re standing ankle deep in at the moment. But often, the issue creating your real crisis is the one hanging over your head. You may need to mitigate the momentary mess to focus your attention on the real cause.
The problem you can see isn’t the whole of your crisis.
Over the years, I’ve learned to ask many clarifying questions when guiding people through difficulties. I remind them that truth doesn’t grow in the dark. If they're going to overcome and succeed, everything must be on the table.
I’ve found that it takes some prying to get the whole story because we all have a tendency to hide the hard truth beneath the shade of a lie. When someone opens up about their struggles, I know there is usually more to the story.
Most partners who admit to cheating one time mean that’s how many times they’ve been caught. People who admit they drink every day and occasionally drink to excess tend to also drink alone and are very good at keeping it a secret.
Beneath the hundreds of gallons of water pouring in through the roof and puddling across the floor lies twice as much or more water hidden under the floor boards. If you don’t dig deeper, you’ll have to deal with a much larger and more costly mess later.
The problem you can see isn’t the end of your crisis.
That might sound like a hopeless hypothesis at first. Trust me. I’m not a “the sky is falling” kind of fellow. I just know from personal experience that crises linger longer than anticipated. In the end, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Too many times, I’ve seen individuals, couples, families, and companies avert their immediate crisis only to walk away pretending everything was fixed. Silly. There’s always residual damage that will rear its ugly head and resurface at a later time.
Relationships can’t be fixed. Addictions don’t disappear. Diets don’t last forever. Diseases don’t stay in remission. Regardless of the situation, you need a management plan like a gym membership, counseling, rehab, or regular screenings.
Our building will continue to age. Storms will continue to rise. And winds will continue to blow. About the time we quit paying attention to the signs of wear and tear, something will break and cause more unnecessary damage. What is true for buildings is true for lives, too.
It’s been said, “You’re either going through a storm. Coming out of a storm. Or entering a storm.” Are you prepared for the next storm? Many crises can be avoided. But not unless you pay closer attention to the warning signs on the not-too-distant horizon.