Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred
Square Peg Podcast
It's Worth the Investment

It's Worth the Investment



Life is change.

And change is hard.

That about sums it up, right. Every time we turn around we have to adjust to some occurrence in the world—or in our personal world at least. Obviously, that's not a newsflash. But how do you make good decisions when it comes to inevitable change? How do you discern where to invest your time, energy, and emotions and pivot to experience the greatest benefit?

That's the heart of the question I want to discuss with you in this episode, as I challenge you to consider the difference between spending and investing.  What would happen if we paused as long to think about how we expend our emotional, physical, and spiritual energies as we do our financial resources. Would we see a greater return with life-changing results?

Spoiler Alert: The answer is—yes!

Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred
Square Peg Podcast
Square Peg Round Hole™ with ​Timothy Eldred, writer, speaker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo on a mission to end aloneness and help people live and lead with authenticity in an artificial world.