Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred
Square Peg Podcast
Preview | Don't Be A Dumbass

Preview | Don't Be A Dumbass


More than we like to admit, much of our lives are determined by the opinions of others. We let their words wound us because we take them personally. As a result, we adjust our beliefs and behaviors to accommodate their points of view and lose our true selves in the meantime. No wonder why artificial has overshadowed authenticity.

After months of hard work, next Friday, I finally release the first episode of my new podcast. In 15 minutes and 35 seconds, I set up the premise of this project, explain the origin of the title, and give you a glimpse of where I’m taking this critical topic.

Listen to the teaser above and then watch your email next week for the full episode.

I hope you’ve been able to get some rest during the holiday season.

Happy New Year!


Timothy Eldred | Square Peg Round Hole | Episode 1
Square Peg Round Hole with Timothy Eldred
Square Peg Podcast
Square Peg Round Hole™ with ​Timothy Eldred, writer, speaker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo on a mission to end aloneness and help people live and lead with authenticity in an artificial world.